Lens Design 02/07/2024 INSET & CORRIDOR OF PROGRESSIVE LENSES The selection of the ideal corridor and inset of a progressive power lens (PPL) ensure… Horizons Optical Love0
Lens Design 10/06/2024 GAZE DYNAMICS TO REVOLUTIONIZE THE LENS PRESCRIPTIONS Our eyes never stay still. Humans change their gaze roughly three times per second with… Oscar Durán Love0
User experience 19/12/2023 USER EXPERIENCE as a key element in innovation Clinical trials play a crucial role in evaluating the safety and efficacy of new medicines,… Horizons Optical Love0
Uncategorized @au 22/11/2023 HORIZONS OPTICAL AND MERCADAO DOS OCULOS JOIN FORCES TO TRANSFORM THE OPTICAL EXPERIENCE IN BRAZIL Barcelona, September 1, 2023. Horizons OpticalHorizons Optical, a global leader in optical technology solutions, is… Horizons Optical Love0
Lens Design 13/11/2023 THE BEST SOLUTION FOR WRAP FRAMES WITH PRESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION Over the past thirty years, the most crucial factor in the evolution of frame… Horizons Optical Love0
Lens Design 23/10/2023 EXTREME PRESCRIPTIONS, THE VISUAL SOLUTION FOR EXTREME MYOPIA INTRODUCTION Myopia is reaching pandemic proportions around the world, in the United States and Europe,… Horizons Optical Love0
Lens DesignUncategorized @au 04/10/2023 HORIZONS OPTICAL ANNOUNCES THE ADDITION OF DAVID BENET AS CHIEF COMMERCIAL OFFICER (CCO) Horizons Optical is pleased to announce the addition of David Benet, a professional with extensive… Horizons Optical Love0
Uncategorized @au 23/08/2023 BRAND STRATEGY OF AN OPHTHALMIC LAB: CONSIDERATIONS FOR CREATING AN EMOTIONALLY CONNECTED BRAND WHAT IS A BRAND? The concept of a brand is a constant presence in our… Horizons Optical Love0
Lens Coatings 15/03/2022 HORIZONS OPTICAL presents the 360° lens coating plan At Horizons Optical we work to offer the optical industry innovative and creative solutions that… Horizons Optical Love1
Lens Design 30/06/2020 The multi-screen office environment The Digital Era has changed the way we live and work. Intensive use of digital… Horizons Optical Love0