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Creating value for the optical industry

Ophthalmic laboratories need to differentiate itself by offering exclusive technology and fresh arguments to captivate ECPs and consumers. Horizons Optical, as developer of visual solutions, has to be more creative than ever to help labs on this challenge.

Creating value for the optical industry

Ophthalmic laboratories need to differentiate itself by offering exclusive technology and fresh arguments to captivate ECPs and consumers. Horizons Optical, as developer of visual solutions, has to be more creative than ever to help labs on this challenge.

Complete solution for the ophthalmic lab

HORIZONS OPTICAL offers to ophthalmic lab a complete solution to provide differentiation by a wide portfolio of products, technologies and services.

Lens designs

Differentiated lens designs for the ophthalmic lens laboratory

Lens coatings

Unique coatings for ophthalmic lenses


In HORIZONS OPTICAL we consider service as important as product. Find all we can do to help on your day-to-day work.

Some of our technologies


Breaking the limits of progressive lenses

Aberrations are something intrinsic in a progressive surface. Because they are perceived as blurriness by the user, they produce discomfort and dizziness. Discover how ClearView technology is able to reduce the unwanted astigmatism to the lowest possible.


the first class AR coating

Thanks to AR+ technology, HORIZONS OPTICAL has reached a significant step forward in the lens transparency. The result is a totally natural look and excellent quality of vision.

Nature - AR technology

Our latest news

Don’t miss the chance to know about the latest news in lens designs, coatings and events where our team is taking part.

Lens Design


The selection of the ideal corridor and inset of a progressive power lens (PPL) ensure…
Lens Design


Our eyes never stay still. Humans change their gaze roughly three times per second with…
User experience

USER EXPERIENCE as a key element in innovation

Clinical trials play a crucial role in evaluating the safety and efficacy of new medicines,…